RadiArmor offers science-backed EMF protection that genuinely reduces your exposure. While many companies boast 99% reduction for their EMF stickers and pendants, that claim refers only to the material—not to the protection you receive. At RadiArmor, we only make products that deliver effective, real-world defense against high-frequency radiation.

Shop By Products

EMF Blocking Phone Sleeves
EMF Blocking Phone Sleeves
Regular price From $28.50
Regular price Sale price From $28.50
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EMF Blocking Knit Beanie
EMF Blocking Knit Beanie
Regular price $46.00
Regular price Sale price $46.00
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EMF Free Air-Tube Headphones
EMF Free Air-Tube Headphones
Regular price $44.50
Regular price Sale price $44.50
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What clients say

  • Well worth it!

    Product works well and its portable. It is sturdy and holds up my laptop wherever I am. Safety from EMF radiation is a plus! This was well worth the investment.

  • Must have!

    EMF blocking is important. Glad I found this item. Storage capacity works for me. Protects the phone and protects me.

  • Nicer than excpected.

    I put my phone in with an app that shows relative signal strength and it cut it down even though it is not a closed bag/ is half open. A bit large, but just right for me as it protects right to the top of my ears. Streamline metal latch for matching cloth tightening strap that tucks in easily. Solid hat. Not wee like a ball cap but not too bulky like a trucker hat either. Middle of the road every-day hat that just looks like a normal hat and does not stand out. Recommended.

  • Good quality and fair price

    I purchased this knit cap for my college age son to wear while on campus. He uses his phone a lot so we thought we would give this cap a try with the EMF blocking liner. The liner is silky smooth making the cap comfortable to wear. He loves the color and we were both impressed with the quality when we opened the package upon arrival. Overall we thought price point matched the quality and we would recommend it.

RadiArmor News

  • Brain cancer more than doubled over last two decades

    Brain cancer more than doubled over last two de...

  • EMF exposure linked to depression and suicide

    EMF exposure linked to depression and suicide

  • Why pregnant women should never rest their phone on their belly.

    Why pregnant women should never rest their phon...

Frequent Questions And Answers

Do your cases and sleeves protect from 5G?

Yes, RadiArmor’s EMF blocking material offers the same protection to 5G as it does to 4G and other high-frequency RF radiation.

Will the anti-radiation membrane in your cell phone case lower my cell phone reception?

Item contentNo. The anti-radiation membrane is only applied to the front cover. This design protects your head from EMF radiation but leaves the back portion to receive cell phone signals as designed.

Does your case protect my hand while I am texting or watching videos?

RadiArmor cases are primarily designed to deflect EMF while talking on the phone or when your phone is in your pocket, helping protect major organs that are prone to cancer. When you are texting, you can fold the flip cover toward the backside of your phone. This will reduce EMF exposure to the hand that is holding your phone, but not the hand you’re texting with.

Why do you only make wallet style iPhone cases?

The best way to block EMF is to put the EMF blocking material between you and the source. Many companies who claim near 100% EMF protection are, in fact, referring to the EMF blocking material, not the actual protection that you receive. Even worse, many companies put their EMF blocking material on the back of the phone. This increases the user’s actual EMF exposure.

What can I do to protect myself from 5G and EMF radiation?

Since EMF exposure is cumulative, limiting your exposure as much as possible is advised. One of the best things you can do is to not keep your cell phone near your body and to use the speaker function when talking to someone. If you can’t use the speaker then holding your cell phone even a couple inches from your ear can lower EMF by more than half. Also, avoid using your cell phone in poor reception areas since your phone will emit stronger signals in order to maintain a proper connection to cell phone towers.